The season’s seem to be changing fast now.  The summer crops are really slowing down.  Tomatoes, eggplant, okra, squash, beans, etc  they are all just fading away.  That’s ok though, to everything there is a season!  This week’s share is full on Fall…

Purple Fingerling Potatoes – earthy flavored potatoes that are great for roasting

Arugula – peppery greens;  great both raw or sauteed

Celeriac – also called celery root, it can also be used grated raw in salads or cooked and treated like other root vegetables.  A totally different texture then celery, but similar in taste.

Tomatoes – this very well might be the last week for them in 2017.  Savor the flavor while you can!

Collard Greens – thick textured cooking greens that love growing in the cool temps of autumn

Butternut Squash – we will have a lot of winter squash for everyone this year!  Luckily, they store very well for the most part.  The butternut probably store the best, months in fact!  We have cured all our winter squash for 2 weeks in the greenhouse and they are now ready for cool storage. 

Delicata Squash –  these will not store quite as long as a butternut.  Their skins are delicate and edilble… hence the name Delicata.

Choice Table

Flowers and Herbs still going strong

Globe Amaranth
