2024 CSA Week 4

2024 CSA Week 4

Beautiful weather we are having right now and the crops and farmers are certainly enjoying it. The broccoli and cauliflower especially love cooler weather and sometimes struggle in the heat at this time of year but they look quite nice!  We started to harvest the...
2024 CSA Week 3

2024 CSA Week 3

Strawberry season continues on this week but it seems like it may be the last one of the season.  So some good news and a little bad news there.  Everything has a season though and we are very thankful for what we harvested and we look forward to all that is to come! ...
2024 CSA Week 2

2024 CSA Week 2

This week we welcome all the members who have signed up for the Peak Season shares.  And is there any better way to kick off the “Peak Season” other then with strawberries?!? They are getting ripe very fast now with the hot and sunny days.  I just hope all...
2024 Week 1

2024 Week 1

This week marks the start of the 2024 CSA season.  Thank you for joining us!  If you have not yet and would still like to, we accept members all season long at pro-rated costs. Before we get into what we have available, let’s go over a few of the nuts and...
2023 CSA Week 6

2023 CSA Week 6

Summer is officially here and it’s hard to believe but we’re already through 25% of the CSA season after this week. We have run the absolute gamut of weather so far…  90 degrees in April, freezes in late May, 45 days of no rain, followed with rain...
2023 CSA Week 5

2023 CSA Week 5

An absolutely beautiful week of weather we had with a few nice rain events mixed in and an ample amount sunshine.  This has everything growing again!  The tomatoes and sweet corn have probably grown a foot this week.  It’s amazing how happy things look right now...